Why HRT and why Legacy Health?


Did you know that studies show 25% of men suffer from low testosterone, and that number jumps to 40% of men 45 years and older. Most men begin to lose physical drive as well as sexual drive by the time they reach the age of 40. Most men 40 and above begin losing muscle mass, bone density, and begin to develop excessive amounts of body fat as a result of having low testosterone. Many men attribute this to just the process of aging and normalize feeling less  than optimal. Most doctors agree that 300-1200 ng/dL is considered a normal range, with 300 ng/dL being the baseline of normal, and 1200 ng/dL being optimal. The problem with this sliding variable is that it is based on males ages 3 to 101. Who wants to be compared to a 101 year old man in the testosterone department? Think of it like this, if 300 ng/dL is considered the tank just above E, and 1200 ng/dL the tank is full, which would you prefer?

Male hypogonadism is a clinical condition resulting from testosterone deficiency as a result of abnormalities of testicular, hypothalamic or pituitary function. The diagnosis is based on clinical and biochemical findings and has been shown to be associated with impaired sexual function, impaired cognitive function, depression, abdominal obesity, low bone and muscle mass, diabetes, and prediabetic states (including insulin resistance, impaired glucose tolerance and the metabolic syndrome) that may lead to an increase in risk of cardiovascular disease. Overall, cardiovascular mortality is increased in late-onset hypogonadism. Testosterone replacement in hypogonadal men results in significant improvement of libido and sexual function and is of clear benefit.

Too often low testosterone is misdiagnosed as depression and or anxiety resulting in antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds being prescribed when the root cause could be low testosterone, which can be reversed with HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) and can remedy the symptoms of depression/anxiety. In fact, previous research provided evidence that testosterone treatment is effective in reducing depressive symptoms in hypogonadal or middle-aged men up to age 60 years.

Now that you have a better understanding of low testosterone and just how critical it is to your physical, mental, and overall health, you might still be asking the question, why Legacy Health? At Legacy Health, we have made it our mission to improve the overall health and wellness of our clients by optimizing hormones with physician supervision. The team at Legacy Health is led by Dr. Nimmo whose expertise in the field of hormones and education in the subject are what makes Legacy Health the authority in HRT in the Twin Cities. Every person has unique DNA and Biochemistry, and should be assessed as such. Legacy Health protocols are custom tailored to each client’s specific need based on each client’s lab results and symptoms. Legacy Health aims to optimize each client’s hormones with target-like precision, which is also the inspiration behind our logo.

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