John, 55
“I can’t personally thank you enough for what you have done for me. I feel as good, if not better than when I was 20. My labs (bloodwork) and overall health are better than ever and on top of that, I have the best body I have ever had at age 55. After taking several medications over the last 20 years including blood pressure and cholesterol medications, I was able stop taking them completely and my B.P. is now even better than while on those medications. I didn’t think that was even possible! My joints feel way better, and I no longer have discomfort and tightness. My endurance and energy levels are awesome and all of this has even inadvertently improved my friendship with my wife. I feel great! Thank you!”

McKenna, 27 *Ozone Therapy
In April of 2015 I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. At this time it was very mild colitis. I was just about to graduate high school and venture off to start my accounting degree at college. From 2015 to 2018 I had taken pills, had biologic infusions, and biologic injections. Luckily I was able to get into remission and stayed in remission from 2018-2022. In October of 2022 just two months after having my son my UC came back with vengeance. Now since October of 2022 I have been on a plethora of medications, combination of steroids and multiple JAK Inhibitors and hospitalized four times. Nothing had worked and nothing had helped. Until, I meet Dr. Tammy Nimmo at Legacy Health. Since the moment I walked into her doors I just knew she would have some answers and be able to help. She did everything she could to hear my full story and to really understand my frustrations and sympathize while understanding and listening to me as a person not just a patient. Dr. Nimmo was able to run tests to determine the best regime for me. Currently, I am receiving Ozone IV therapy from Dr. Nimmo’s office. I truly believe this therapy is allowing my body to heal from my gut (inside/out). Instead of just masking the symptoms previous medication did. Dr. Nimmo is readily available and scheduling appointments with her is a breeze. She is so knowledgeable in broad aspects of disease, but is also willing to acknowledge that she is willing to do research to help better understand your needs as a person.
Ozone IV Therapy I believe is what is allowing my body to heal from the inside out. It has allowed my body to heal optimally and bring me into the beginning stage of remission. Allowing me to enjoy life again with my husband and sons. Ozone has brought down the amount of trips to the bathroom I had been taking on a daily basis from 10+ trips down to 4-5 trips.
If you feel lost in your ability to find remission in an auto-immune/inflammatory disease, I feel Ozone is a key player needed in your regimen to find remission.
Thank you, Dr. Tammy Nimmo of Legacy Health for being the leading hero in my journey back to optimal health!
Shawn, 42
“It has been a different experience attending the Legacy Health clinic. I've actually been treated as a patent with concern rather than a number, like you would at most clinics. Dr. Nimmo took time out of her personal life on the weekend to connect with me over a concern I had sent via text to the company number. On top of that she reached out to a colleague to set me up with an appointment with them that day to address my concerns. She has taken the time to really listen when I've been explaining things and made sure to take all of the necessary steps and tests to make sure to diagnose the situation.
I look forward to continuing my relationship with Legacy Health and continue to refer others as well.”
Lyf, 47
“I want to share with you what hormone optimization has done for me and just how much it has improved my quality of life. In my late 30s, my physical health really began to decline. My energy, drive, and willingness to just take care of myself became an everyday challenge. To make matters worse, I would undergo shoulder surgery and knee surgery in a matter of a month. Muscle atrophy quickly started taking place, leaving me with a very undesired look and feel. I decided I had enough of feeling and looking like an overweight, old, achy version of myself and knew this couldn’t be what life was supposed to look like at age 40. I decided to do what most of us men refuse to do; I sought help from a medical professional. After labs confirmed what I was confident was the issue, I began an HRT protocol designed to optimize my hormones. With a committed focus on HRT and diet, in four months I was able to transform my body – there was a complete 180 in how I felt and looked. I am now 47 and feeling healthier, with more drive than I have ever felt, and there’s just no way I would have gotten here without HRT. Not only am I an owner, I am a client, and want you to experience all the benefits of HRT, the way that I have!”
Lee, 56
“I have always been diligent about eating right and working out 4-5 days a week. Even with this lifestyle I found myself gaining some weight and just my overall health physically and mentally declining. I then tried supplements and worked on other aspects of life to slow the decline. Nothing worked. A friend of mine mentioned I should see Dr Nimmo at Legacy Health as there may be reasons for my decline outside of age. After an analysis it was determined I was deficient in some areas, my testosterone being one of them. Fast forward 4 months and my life has completely changed for the better. Mental fog gone, my muscle mass has increased dramatically and I've lost 7% body fat during this time. Overall I'm just a much happier person. I wake up every morning feeling like I'm shot out of a cannon ready to attack the day. My only regret is that I didn't visit Legacy Health sooner.”
Adam, 26
“I had been suffering from multiple symptoms for a period of about 3 years before I finally came into Legacy health to get my blood work checked. I felt like death and tired all the time. I assumed it was just “getting old” at the ripe age of 26. Low and behold, my results showed a sub 300 ng/dl test result. I opted to start enclomiphene, a daily one a day pill. In just 3 days I already felt way better from my body just producing testosterone on its own again. In just 6 weeks on 1 daily pill, I went from a 275 ng/dl to 804 ng/dl level of testosterone. ALL my joint and chest pain was gone, sleep was finally making me feel well rested again, my natural state of energy had returned, and I was finally able to get back in the gym and live my life how I wanted to again. In nearly a year of TRT, I have lost 24 pounds of fat and gained 18 pounds of muscle. My mental health has drastically improved as has my focus and energy.
The staff at Legacy health are nothing but enthusiastic, knowledgeable, kind, and most importantly fun. With their help, I have been able to return to living my life exactly as I want. I can not recommend them, the advice they give, and the services they provide enough.”
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